General Membership Meeting 3/4 – Topic: All About Handhelds!
Download out Newsletter, the VOX, under Club Information, Newsletter
Lehigh Valley Amateur Radio Club
Callsign W3OI
The Lehigh Valley Amateur Radio Club (LVARC) was established in 1928, making it one of the oldest ham (amateur) radio clubs in the country. The club has regular club meetings and monthly activities.
We have a monthly newsletter, called the VOX. The VOX contains information regarding our club meetings, the club’s planned events, events of interest to the radio amateur, and articles of interest to the ham community.
Hams and non-hams are invited to visit and spend as much time as they need to view the newsletters, meeting dates and activities as well as links to other ham radio related sites!
If you are interested in joining the club, or need to renew your membership, visit our Membership page, where you will be able to pay your dues online, or get information on where to send your check and your membership form
Meetings and Nets
The LVARC meets the FIRST TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH at the Tri-Clover Fire Company in Orefield at 7:30 pm for a monthly business meeting and technical presentation on subjects of interest to the ham radio community. All hams and persons interested in ham radio are welcome.
On the THIRD TUESDAY of EVERY MONTH we have a more informal ‘Hands On Night’, which involves demonstrations of ham radio equipment and techniques.
On Monday nights at 7:30pm the club has a different kind of ‘meeting’ on the air called a traffic net. Members and non-members can check in and hone their emergency traffic handling skills as part of the net. The net takes place on the primary repeater used by the club on 146.94 Mhz. Messages, bulletins and traffic are handled by the net control station. Tune in for announcements of upcoming meetings and club events.