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2024 ARRL Field Day

Field Day is June 22nd and 23rd.

Field Day is quite possibly the most active ham radio 24 hours of the year!  This is an emergency exercise that challenges you to learn new things, try new operating modes and provides an opportunity to explore more of Amateur Radio.  Read this announcement to learn about the set-up time change.
Field Day Site: 1900 Brickyard Rd, Allentown  (This is accessed from Huckleberry Rd in South Whitehall Township.)  Please be careful crossing the train tracks, as they are active, and it is not a guarded intersection.  STOP LOOK LISTEN
Field Day Weather: Be prepared!  EPAWA has issued the latest forecast calling for Friday, Saturday and Sunday to be the hottest three days of this heat wave. Daytime highs on Saturday will be in the mid-upper 90’s (96 possible) with high humidity.  Overnight lows will be a balmy 72.
Weather preparedness:  DRESS FOR SUCCESS – light colored clothes that are made of cotton or some fabric made to wick and cool  Sunscreen and bug repellant.  Drink WATER.  Drink WATER. Drink Water.  Did I mention you should stay hydrated?  When you start to feel the heat, you are already behind.  Take work breaks often, get into the shade, and don’t forget that your car may have A/C and that could be a great place to refresh.  The club will be providing water and other drinks.  Please be mindful of caffeine intake, and keep it to a minimum. Anyone with a spare box fan or oscillating fan is welcomed to bring it along so we can keep air moving in the tent, trailer and under the EZ-UPs.
SET UP TIME CHANGE: Due to the expected quick rise in heat and humidity, we have decided to move the set up time back one hour.  We will be meeting and starting set-up at 0900.  If you are able, please come at 9.
Our goals are to have fun, enjoy fellowship, and make contacts!!!
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